From the 1st of March, we have bought an ownership part of 80% of the transport company Lars R. Jacobsen Transport A/S, which is located at Holkebjergvej 90. Lars will continue to have the last 20% of the company.
Lars R. Jacobsen has 15 construction cars at his disposal and drives with up to 20 foreign haulier cars. They have many different customers in the construction sector - including M.J. Eriksson and Hanson & Knudsen. We are very much looking forward to welcoming 5 new colleagues at the head office on Logistikvej, together with the 15 drivers and cars who will also be staying at the head office.
We are proud and happy that we have been given the opportunity to become co-owners. We believe that we are a really good match, and we look forward to participating in a positive development of Lars R. Jacobsen Transport A / S.